Fun Socially Distanced Activities for Seniors


To slow the spread of COVID-19, most communities are implementing preventative measures like social distancing and wearing face masks. While its especially important to keep seniors safe, physical distancing can be difficult for seniors who may feel Continue reading →

Simplify Your Move to a New Home with a Senior Moving Manager


Moving to a new home is tough for everyone with all the packing, labeling, moving, and unpacking. But for seniors, it can be an even bigger challenge due to limited mobility or just because the job is so overwhelming after acquiring a lifetimes worth Continue reading →

Tips for Seniors: Staying in Touch when You Need to Stay Home


These days, most of us are staying home to combat the COVID-19 virus. Whether youre in a senior assisted living facility or in a house alone, for seniors, a diminished sense of connectivity can affect your health and wellbeing. Relationships are impo Continue reading →


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